CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has called being born gay a blessing.

“Being born gay is one of the great blessings of my life,” the 46-year-old Cooper told a University of Texas audience of nearly 6,000 on Monday.

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Cooper regaled the crowd with stories from his 25-year career in journalism and personal life.

Cooper, who came out in 2012, also touched on the coming out of Michael Sam, the 24-year-old football player and NFL draft prospect.

(Related: Michael Sam, NFL draft prospect, comes out gay.)

“We're getting to a time in the United States where nobody can say they don't know somebody who's gay, whether it's a family member or somebody in the public eye,” Cooper said. “And I think that has a certain power and a certain impact.” (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)