Brazilian lawmakers are considering putting the question of whether to legalize gay marriage to a popular vote.

According to Correio Braziliense, the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies is considering three proposals related to gay unions.

On Wednesday, the commission approved with little debate asking voters in October: “Are you for or against same-sex civil unions?” The text still needs the blessings of the committees on Finance and Taxation, the Constitution and Justice, followed by floor votes.

The Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies is headed by Pastor Marco Feliciano.

Congressman Feliciano is a well-known evangelical pastor and an outspoken opponent of gay rights who has called AIDS a “gay cancer.” He is the leader of the Social Christian Party.

Gay couples in Brazil gained the right to marry earlier this year through a court ruling which states that notary publics cannot deny a gay couple's request for a marriage license. Feliciano's Social Christian Party appealed the ruling, arguing that it is unconstitutional because Congress has not legalized same-sex marriage.

A second proposal approved by the commission would negate the effects of the court's ruling. The committee rejected a third proposal which sought to allow a gay person to assign his or her partner as a dependent for the purpose of Social Security benefits.

Feliciano called the session “very productive.”