Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt has suggested that Martin Luther King Jr. endorsed discrimination against gays and lesbians in his seminal “I Have a Dream” speech.

Klingenschmitt made national headlines when he challenged the military's rule on inclusive prayers during events which include a multi-faith audience such as ship commissionings and change-of-command ceremonies. A born-again Christian, Klingenschmitt demanded the right to pray “in the name of Jesus” in public settings. He was honorably discharged for insubordination.

On his new YouTube show, Pray in Jesus Name, Klingenschmitt, also “Dr. Chaps,” voiced his outrage over a proposed gay-inclusive anti-discrimination ordinance in San Antonio.

Klingenschmitt noted King's famous “judged [not] by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” line to assert that gays have a lesser or immoral character.

“If your heart is full of corruption or sin or immorality – in this case homosexuality – then you should be discriminated against,” he said.

He expanded: “When these confusing statutes now try to redefine discrimination and say that you can no longer discriminate against against character … that anyone who discriminates against character is guilty of discrimination and therefore ought to be discriminated against, they're actually saying Martin Luther King himself ought to be punished for his views, and that's not right.” (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)

Appearing on The Alan Colmes Show, Klingenschmitt defended his position.

“I'm trying to distinguish between being black and being gay,” he said.

“You know, you're conflating two things that have nothing to do with each other,” Colmes said.