Senator Jon Tester of Montana and Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia are the latest Democratic senators to speak out on gay marriage.

“Montanans believe in the right to make a good life for their families,” Tester wrote in a Facebook post. “How they define a family should be their business and their business alone. I'm proud to support marriage equality because no one should be able to tell a Montanan or any American who they can love and who they can marry.”

As recently as last year, Tester said he supported civil unions, not marriage, for gay and lesbian couples.

On Monday, Rockefeller urged the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), calling the 1996 law “discriminatory.”

“Younger people in West Virginia and even my own children have grown up in a much more equal society and they rightly push us to question old assumptions – to think deeply about what it means for all Americans to be created equal,” Rockefeller, who supported passage of DOMA, said in a statement given to POLITICO. “This has been a process for me, but at this point I think it's clear that DOMA is discriminatory. I'm against discrimination in all its forms, and I think we can move forward in our progress toward true equality by repealing DOMA.”

Tester and Rockefeller join a growing list of U.S. senators who have recently reversed course on the issue, including Senator Rob Portman, a Republican from Ohio, and Democratic Senators Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Mark Warner of Virginia and Mark Begich of Alaska.