The One Voice Chorus of Charlotte, North Carolina performed God Bless You Chick-Fil-A at its 2012 Holiday Show.

The whimsical melody, arranged by Gerald Gurss, puts to music events from last summer, when the chicken chain's CEO, Dan Cathy, called gay marriage supporters “arrogant,” prompting boycotts and buycotts of the eateries.

(Related: Chick-Fil-A Wednesday supports Dan Cathy's gay marriage opposition.)

“If you lined up all the restaurants I've eaten at all my life. Golden arches, Dish the Pinkys, and every other local dive. Then you gave me the choice of where I'd want to eat today. It's a pretty tough decision, but it wouldn't be Chick-Fil-A!”

Chorus: “And I'm proud to be a homosexual where at least I know I'm free (except for certain rights). And I won't forget the chicken that died who gave their life for me. So I grab this sandwich, lust for it but put back down on the tray. 'Cause there ain't no doubt, I won't support hate. God Bless You Chick-Fil-A!”

“From the city of Atlanta to the hills of Tennessee. Across the plains of Balantyne and up in University. On Billboards all over Charlotte, those cows are painting hate. But there's pride in this homosexual's heart and it's time we stand and say.”

(The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)