Oregon Democrats on Thursday elected Rep. Tina Kotek to be the next House speaker.

Kotek, who represents Portland, makes United States history by becoming the first openly lesbian lawmaker to lead a state legislative chamber.

In the coming legislative session, four gay men will control a state chamber. Elected to their posts this year are Senator Ed Murray of Washington and Representative Mark Ferrandino of Colorado. Returning are Assemblyman John Perez of California and Representative Gordon Fox of Rhode Island.

Gay leaders will control five state chambers, a new record.

Kotek's vote needs to be formally ratified in January.

She told the AP that she knows she has inspired other LGBT people.

“We all look for people out there who look like us,” she said. “I have had emails and text messages from people who are very excited.”

According to her Oregon House biography, the 46-year-old Democrat lives with her partner Aimee Wilson.

While gay rights activists have started looking to Oregon for their next marriage equality victory, Koteck has already dismissed a legislative approach.

“It will not be a legislative referral,” Kotek told told The Oregonian. “At the end of the day, this is a community decision.”