Comedian Rosie O'Donnell said Monday that she suffered from a heart attack last week and underwent surgery to install a cardiac stent.

The 50-year-old O'Donnell made the revelation in a blog post, saying that at first she ignored her symptoms.

“i became nauseous my skin was clammy; i was very hot I threw up; maybe this is a heart attack; i googled womens heart attack symptoms; i had many of them; but really? – i thought – naaaa.”

The next day, O'Donnell said, she went to see a cardiologist, who admitted her to the hospital after administering an EKG.

“my LAD was 99% blocked; they call this type of heart attack the Widow maker; i am lucky to be here,” she wrote.

Earlier this month, O'Donnell revealed that she and fiancee Michelle Rounds pushed back their wedding date after Rounds fell ill in May and was eventually diagnosed with Desmoid Tumors.